FINN OLAFSSON • TV Channel DK4 Broadcasts in 2015

Video of the Month 2014

ODBDVD 003 • 2015

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Video of the Month 2014 audio CD

OCD 063 • 2015

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2 TV-programmer med Finn Olafsson på DK4
See presentation in English below

The Guitarist Finn Olafsson - Live in the Studio

Torsdag den 17. september 2015 kl. 23.00 - 00.10:


DK4 programomtale:

Guitaristen og komponisten Finn Olafsson spiller akustisk guitar live i studiet

Finn Olafsson er internationalt anerkendt for sin stemningsfulde og billedskabende akustiske guitarmusik og sit virtuose guitarspil. I dette koncertprogram spiller han 12 af sine guitarkompositioner. Optagelserne stammer fra guitaristens unikke projekt "Video of the Month 2014", hvor en ny livevideo, måned for måned, blev præsenteret i et helt år.

Finn Olafsson har i en lang årrække sat sit præg på den danske musikscene både som solist, som guitarist i Ache, sammen med Pia Raug, Anders Roland og Tom Frederiksen, og som guitarist for Anne Linnet og mange andre kendte danske kunstnere.

Tilrettelæggelse, foto & redigering:
Kim Ingemann Erichsen.

Torsdag den 18. september 2015 kl. 23.00 - 23.30:


DK4 programomtale:

Guitaristen Finn Olafsson er titlen på et portræt af den danske guitarist og komponist Finn Olafsson

Portrættet er produceret i forlængelse af Finn Olafssons unikke "Video of the Month 2014" projekt, de 12 'Live in the Studio' akustiske guitar optagelser med Finn Olafsson, som tidligere er vist på DK4.

I portrættet taler Finn Olafsson om at komponere musik, om sin inspiration, sit liv med musikken, guitarerne han spiller på, tiden efter hans datter Maria Olafssons død i 2013 - og meget andet. Der er naturligvis også masser af Finn Olafssons guitarmusik.

2 TV broadcasts with Finn Olafsson
on Danish DK4
The Guitarist Finn Olafsson - Portrait Interview

Thursday September 17, 2015, at 11.00 p.m. to 00.10 a.m.:


DK4 broadcast description:

Guitarist and composer Finn Olafsson plays acoustic guitar live in the studio

Finn Olafsson is internationally renowned for his impressive and atmospheric acoustic guitar music and for his brilliant guitar playing. In this concert broadcast he plays 12 of his guitar compositions. The recordings are taken from his unique Video of the Month 2014 project where a new video, in 2014, month by month, was presented during the year.

Production, photo & editing: Kim Ingemann Erichsen

Friday September 18, 2015, at 11.00 to 11.30 p.m.:

(portrait interview)

DK4 broadcast description:

This 26 minutes portrait interview was made in late 2014 in the extension of Finn Olafsson's "Video of the Month 2014" project: 12 live-in-the-studio acoustic guitar videos.

Finn Olafsson tells about composing music, his inspiration, his life with music, the guitars he plays, how he kept spirits up after the death of his daughter Maria in August 2013 - and much more - mixed with clips of his music from the videos.

Organization, script & sound: Ronnie Bille
Organization, production, photo & editing:
Kim Ingemann Erichsen
Speak: Anette Faarborg

Click here to hear "For Maria" on YouTube

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